Electronic Signature Profile Settings & Options
This topic explores the various settings available when creating an Electronic Signature Profile. Except where indicated, these settings apply to both Signatures requested via Email and when using the Embedded/Widget Signing Mode.
Account Settings
Manually-Triggered Only
Select this option when you want to only use the profile via a manually triggered event.
Test Mode
Enable test mode to send test agreements without incurring fees. Test mode documents are stamped with TEST MODE and are not legally binding.
Document Sender
Select the Document Sender License to use for this agreement.
Embedded Signature or Email Delivery
This setting determines the signing mode.
Embedded / Widget Mode
Select this option to show the PDF immediately after the form submission for signing. When this option is selected, the signing page will be used instead of an autoresponder thank you page. Learn more about using this option
Email Delivery
Select this option to deliver the PDF via email for signing. This option supports multiple signers, automated reminders, and provides a higher level of assurance as to the signer's identity. Learn more about using this option.
Document & Signature Settings
PDF to be Signed
Select the PDF document that will be sent for signature. If you are using a dynamically generated PDF, you can include text tags to indicate where the signature fields will be placed. For a PDF form, you can include the form equivalent of text tags.
Agreement Name
This is the name of the agreement that will be shown to the recipients.
Reminder Frequency
Select if you want to send an automated reminder to sign and how frequently to send the reminders.
Days Until Signing Deadline
Enter the number of days before the agreement expires and can no longer be signed. All parties will receive email notification of expired agreements.
Recipient Settings
In this window, you can enter multiple signers by entering their email address and name or selecting a field on the form that is expected to contain their email address and name. You can also enter a PIN, or use a wildcard to protect the document and prompt for the pin prior to signing. The PIN must be between 4-12 characters long.
Embedded Document Signing
These settings are only shown when configuring a profile in Embedded / Widget mode.
Break out of Frame
Use this option when your form is embedded and you want the signing page to break out of the embedded IFRAME and reload the entire page. If your embedded form is embedded within a small area this is recommended.
Post Signing Success Message
This is the message shown to the user after they have signed the document.
Custom URL
If your form is embedded on your site, enter the full URL of the page here. Signing requests sent via email will link to this page, and the signing area will load in the embedded frame.'
Signing Settings
Verify Signer Email
When using Embedded mode, unless your user has been authenticated on your site or through a workflow, we recommend you enable this option. When enabled the first signer, will see the screen below and receive an email with the Verification Key. This provides enhanced verification of the signer. This is recommended.
Allow Reassign
Allows signers to reassign their signature requests to other signers
Allow Decline
Allows signers to decline to sign a document
CC Emails
A comma seperated list of emails that should receive the completed agreements.
Learn More:
- What are Electronic Signatures
- Collecting Signatures via Embedded/Widget Mode
- Using a Trigger to Handle Events
- Using a Trigger to initiate the Signing Process on Update
- Placing Signature (text Tags) with Dynamic PDF's
- Placing Signature (text Tags) with PDF Forms
- Generating PDF Documents
- Cancelling a Document
- Manually Sending a Reminder to Sign
- Viewing a Documents Audit Log or PDF