Creating a Sender License
Before you can set up an Electronic Signature Profile to send documents for signature via HelloSign, you must first create a Sender License. Sender License pricing details can be found here.
To set up a sender license, please review the following video tutorial:
HelloSign Migration
We've migrated from Adobe Sign to HelloSign. The above video may still reflect some settings that apply only to Adobe Sign. We are in the process of udpating these videos.Each Sender License created is tied to the email address provided and can later be selected as the sender for a PDF document that you want to get signed. If you need to send PDF documents from multiple email addresses or from multiple companies, each one requires a separate Sender License.
Account & Sender Settings
Setup your sender license with your first and last name and the name of your company. Enter the email that you would like to have email requests for signing come from.
Company Logo
You can upload your logo when creating a Sender License and we encourage you to do so. Your logo will be included on all emails and above the signing page. The logo must be no bigger than 300x75.
Theme & Branding
Clicking the Edit Theme/Branding button will open the window displayed below where you can configure branding/colors used on the signing page. Some customizable color elements must meet a minimum contrast ratio of 2.1 with adjacent elements, for usability reasons. The contrast element header_background_color_light is not customizable. It has a value of #F7F8F9. Use this site to test the colors if you receive an error when saving related to the color ratios. HelloSign explains more hre
For more info see HelloSigns White Label page documentation here
Audit Reports
Attach audit report to completed documents. Learn how to view a documents Audit Log here
Attach PDF
Attach a PDF copy of the signed document in emails sent to
Learn More:
Pricing Overview
Cancelling a Sender License
Checking Usage & Viewing Pending Documents