Sending Emails Using Templates
Email templates provide a convenient tool for producing messages that contain some or all of the data in a record. For example, you could create a quotation email template that contains customer name, address, and product/price data; or perhaps a follow up message that contains a custom greeting. You create these templates using the Text Editor, which gives you the ability to use field wildcards, conditional content, and an extensive array of formatting options.
The email is sent one at a time from each record. If you need to send emails to a large number of customers, consider using an autoresponder or setting up a trigger to send an email.
On This Page
Creating an Email Template
Follow these steps to create an email template:
Click the Email Templates menu item in the top toolbar of the Database Browser.
In the first step of the wizard, click the Next button to go directly to the Settings panel of the wizard.
Enter a Template Name, then choose the Email Field from the drop-down list.
Optionally, you can choose a PDF attachment (if any are available).
Also, specify a From Address and a From Name, and an Email Subject. If you like, you can insert a wildcard field (such as a first name) into the Email Subject by clicking the wildcard button .
To edit the body of the email message, click the Launch Email Editor button. The Text Editor will appear, in which you can craft the template with rich formatting and conditional content using field wildcards.
Click Next to move on to the Options panel, where you can configure a number of settings. If you check the box for the last setting, Allow Preview before sending, then a preview of the message will display before it is sent.
Checking one or more of the other boxes will permit various editing options to be available at the time that the Email Template is run. It's especially important to consider these settings if you plan to create Sub User accounts.
Click Previous to commit the changes and close the Email Template wizard.
Using an Email Template
Select a record in the Using the Database Browser.
Right-click directly the record, then select the menu item Email Tools > Email Templates. From the menu listing, choose the email template that you want to use.
If the email template you have chosen doesn't permit any editing, then the email will be sent directly. Otherwise, an Email Settings window will appear. If the edit settings were enabled for the template you have chosen, you can click the Launch Editor button to customize the template.
If the Allow Preview before sending setting is enabled, then a preview of the message will appear.
Click the Send Email Now button to send the message.
Managing Email Templates
If you've made one or more email templates, it's easy to manage them:
Click the Email Tools menu item in the top toolbar of the Database Browser.
The Email Templates management window will appear, containing these menu items in the toolbar: New, Edit, and Delete.
Click New to create an email template, which we outline in the section above.
Click Edit to open the Email Template panel and view the current settings. Click Next and consider if you need to make any changes to the Options. Once you're happy with the settings, click Save to commit the changes.
To delete an email template , click the Delete menu item and then click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the label. Click No to cancel.