Printing Data Using Templates
Print templates provide a convenient tool for printing documents that contain some or all of the data in a record. For example, you could create an invoice template that contains the customer name, address, and purchase data. Or you could create a flyer that contains a custom greeting. You create these templates using the Text Editor, which gives you the ability to use field wildcards, conditional content, and an extensive array of formatting options.
Printing is done one at a time from each record.
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Creating a Print Template
Follow these steps to create a print template:
Click the Print Templates menu item in the top toolbar of the Database Browser.
In the first step of the wizard, click the Next button to go directly to the Settings panel of the wizard.
Enter a Template Name, and then click the Launch Template Editor button. The Text Editor will appear, in which you can craft the template with rich formatting and conditional content using field wildcards.
Click Save to commit the changes and close the editor, then click Save in the Print Template wizard.
Note: All browsers automatically add a header and footer to output, unless you change the browser page setup settings. Here is one of many setup guides that you may find online to help you remove the URL that prints in the header or footer of your output
Using a Print Template
Select a record in the Database Browser.
Right-click directly the record, then select the menu item Print > Print Templates.
Choose the print template that you want to use from the menu listing.
In the Print window that appears, choosing the printing device and then click OK.
After a few moments, you should see an on screen preview or the printout will being on your printer.
Managing Print Templates
If you've made one or more email templates, it's easy to manage them:
Click the Print Templates menu item in the top toolbar of the Database Browser.
The Print Templates management window will appear, containing these menu items in the toolbar: New, Edit, and Delete.
Click Edit to open the Print Template panel and make changes to the current settings. Once you're happy with the settings, click Save to commit the changes.
To delete a print template, click the Delete menu item and then click Yes to confirm that you want to delete the label. Click No to cancel.