Abort Submission Action
Submit Button / Page Button Set ONLY
The Abort Submission Action is only available on the forms submit button or the next/back buttons on a multipage form. This action allows you to abort/cancel the pending Form Submission (when the submit button is clicked and after validation has passed) based on a rule. It is typically used after another action, like the Alert action to show an error for example.
Adding a Abort Submit Action
In the Field properties panel, click the button in the Actions property.
In the New Action Settings window, choose Abort Submit from the drop-down menu and click Next.
In the Action Name field, give your action a unique name.
Click the Rule button to configure one or more rules that must be satisfied before the action will run.
Click Finish to close this window and return to the Actions window.
Click Save to return to the Form Designer and preview your form to test the action.