Overview of Rules
The Rules feature is found throughout Logiforms. With rules, you can control the user experience, amongst other things, by testing for conditions that match the filters in the rule. You might, for example, test for specific field values before allowing the user to submit the form. Or you might disallow navigation away from the current form page unless the user makes specific checkbox selections.
A rule consists of one or more filters, and these filters represent the conditions that you want to monitor.
It's important to understand how rules work since they are an integral part of many Logiform's features, including:
- Conditional Validation
- Dependencies
- Managing AutoResponders
- Email Notifications
- Inventory Controls
- Open Window Action
- Show/Hide Action
- Update Values Action
- Submit Action
- Conditional Branching for Multi-page forms
The other topics in this section explain how to create and manage rules and set the matching options.