Submit Form
The Submit action allows you to submit a form after the action successfully runs. You can create Rules which look for specific conditions to exist before the action will run, and you can also opt to skip Validation, if necessary.
Auto Submit a Form
By attaching a Submit Action to the Forms Root Node (i.e Creating a Form Action) vs. a field on the form, you can auto-submit the form as soon as it loads. Why would you ever want to do this? One example might be that you want to regenerate a PDF and present it to a user for download within a workflow portal. This can be done by opening an edit page and auto-submitting it, to force the regeneration of the PDF.Special Usage!
When this Submit Action is attached to a Submit Button, it enables the Confirmation Prompt of this action to be shown to confirm the submit and abort it if the user elects to cancel. While it may seem like adding this Submit Action to a Submit Button is redundant, it actually enables this special functionality - the ability to Confirm the Submission!Adding a Submit Form Action
In the Field properties panel, click the button in the Actions property.
In the New Action Settings window, choose Submit Form from the drop-down menu and click Next.
In Action Name, give your action a unique name.
If you are editing an action for an element/field, the Field Event field is displayed. Choose the Field Event on which you want the action to trigger: when the user changes (Change), enters (Enter), or leaves (Leave) the field.
- In the Skip Validation field, leave the value as true if you want to skip validation of the current page when running this action. Otherwise change it to false.
- In the Show Submit Animation field, set the value to true if you want the user to see animation while the form is being submitted. Otherwise, set it to false.
- Click the Rule button to configure one or more rules that must be satisfied before the action will run.
- Configure the Confirmation Settings to show a confirmation prior to submitting the form. The confirmation prompt will be shown before the action is executed and the end user may choose OK to execute the action or Cancel to abort.
Click Finish to close this window and return to the Actions window.
Click Save to return to the Form Designer and the preview your form to test the action.
Action Types
- Show/Hide
- Update Values
- Add/Remove Selections
- Open Window
- Submit Form
- Reset Form
- Mark Comparison History Viewed
- Custom JavaScript
- Finish Later: Show Save Prompt
- Finish Later: Show Load Saved Data Prompt
- Show Alert
- Abort Submission
- Confirm Page Navigation