Add/Remove Selections
The Add/Remove Selections action allows you to add or remove options/choices in a drop-down field based on other conditions in the form.
Adding an Add/Remove Selection Action
Follow these steps to add the action:
In the Field General Setting properties panel, click the small button in the Actions property.
In the New Action Settings window, choose Add/Remove Selections from the drop-down menu and click Next.
In the Action Name field, give your action a unique name.
In the Mode field, choose Remove Option or Add Option.
In the Field Event field, choose when you want the action to run: when the user changes (Change), enters (Enter), or leaves (Leave) the field. Typically you run it on Change or Leave.
The Stop field defaults to false, which means that processing does not stop after this action completes. Change it to true if you want to stop all other processing when this action completes.
Click the Rules button to configure one or more rules that must be satisfied before the action will run.
Click Next to move to the next step, where you will add the values you want to update.
In Field, select the field where you will Remove or Add options.
If you chose the Remove Option, select the option to remove in the Options to Hide field. To select more than one option, Ctrl + Click.
If you chose the Add Option, in the Display Value field enter the option that the user sees, and in the Data Value field, enter the value you want submitted to the database. -
Configure the Confirmation Settings to show a confirmation prior to submitting the form. The confirmation prompt will be shown before the action is executed and the end user may choose OK to execute the action or Cancel to abort.
Click Finish to close this window and return to the Actions window.
Click Save to return to the Form Designer.
Action Types
- Show/Hide
- Update Values
- Add/Remove Selections
- Open Window
- Submit Form
- Reset Form
- Mark Comparison History Viewed
- Custom JavaScript
- Finish Later: Show Save Prompt
- Finish Later: Show Load Saved Data Prompt
- Show Alert
- Abort Submission
- Confirm Page Navigation