Electronic Signatures Overview
Logiform's has two methods for collecting electronic signatures:
Electronic Signatures for PDF Documents (via our Integration with HelloSign)
We've partnered with HelloSign (a Dropbox Companyt) to provide Electronic Signatures. Use Logiform's powerful PDF generation tools to generate dynamic PDF's on the fly or populate your PDF forms. The resulting document is then routed through HelloSign for signing. You can display the document for immediate signing after the form is submitted or send it out by email. A separate subscription is required to use this service.
Learn more about Electronic Signature integration with HelloSign
Inline (Draw your signature) Signing Element
With this option, you can add a signature area directly to your form where the user can draw their signature with their mouse or finger on a touch-capable device (Iphone,Ipad, android etc). The resulting signatures SVG data is captured and recorded. Note that unlike the HelloSign signing process, there is no PDF integration, validation or certification by a 3rd party signing authority. This option is not recommended for sensitive documents that require a high level of assurance and enforceability, instead use the HelloSign Integration option.
Learn more about using the Inline Signature Element
Learn More:
- What are Electronic Signatures
- Electronic Signature Profile Settings & Options
- Collecting Signatures via Embedded/Widget Mode
- Using a Trigger to Handle Events
- Using a Trigger to initiate the Signing Process on Update
- Placing Signature (text Tags) with Dynamic PDF's
- Placing Signature (text Tags) with PDF Forms
- Generating PDF Documents
- Canceling a Document
- Manually Sending a Reminder to Sign
- Viewing a Documents Audit Log or PDF