The Publishing & Workflow Designer
The Publishing & Workflow Designer is where you customize your workflow. The overall layout is similar to the Form Designer.
On This Page
WorkFlow Outline
The Workflow Outline Panel in the upper left corner of the screen shows the hierarchy of your workflow. Clicking on a page loads a preview into the Live Edit Preview window and the page's properties are loaded into the Property Panel below. You can right-click on any page here to insert a child-page. If you want to insert a page at the root of the profile, click the root node and choose Insert New from the context menu.
Properties Panel
The Properties Panel in the lower left corner of the screen displays all of the properties for the current page. Click to edit the available properties. Notice that the Property Panel contains an accordion control with a section for each property group (General Settings, Data, Layout Settings). Each page type has common page properties. In addition, there are properties specific to the type of page you add: data page, drill down page, search page, edit page, or custom page.
Live Edit Preview
The right hand side of the screen is the Live Edit Preview. This is where a preview of the page you are editing is displayed.
Unlike the Form Designer, nothing within this window can be clicked. All properties must be edited through the Property Panel. In addition, links on the preview pages are disabled within the Publishing & Workflow Designer. If you want to test page navigation or any other links, generate a preview of the page using the Preview/Launch button in the top toolbar.