Duplicating a Form
You can create a copy of your form and all of its subcomponents using the Deep Copy Wizard. A complete copy of your form will be created including PDF's, AutoResponders, Notifications, Post Processing Profiles, Triggers, Data, Rules, etc. You have complete control over what you include in the copy and what to exclude. This article explains how the Deep Copy Wizard works
How to Copy a Form
You can copy a form via the Form Designer > Save > Save a Copy menu or via the Component Details view in the Dashboard > Duplicate.
Copy Settings
The wizard will guide you through the process of copying your forms.
Linked Forms & Workflows
The wizard will inspect the selected form and find any outgoing links and present those links to you and ask you if you want to copy the linked forms. When a linked form is found, it is also inspected for links to other forms.
If any linked forms are found you'll see a screen like this where you can select if you would like to include or exclude those linked items from being copied. If you choose to not include any of the related items found, the original link will be maintained. For example, if you have a Dynamic Lookup on your form, you'll see the source form listed here. If you de-select it, it will not be copied and the copied form's Dynamic Data lookup will continue to reference the original source.
Including Individual Components
Components include things like data, attachments, PDF's, triggers, AutoResponders, and notifications. On the Include all Components screen, you can choose 'Easy - Copy all Components' to copy everything - for each linked form selected, or choose Advanced to select what components to copy for each form.
If you choose Advanced, you'll see the screen below, where you can decide exactly what you want to copy.
Use Save a Copy in the Form Designer to save a copy of the current form plus any unsaved changes to a new form.Requirements
The next screen of the wizard will present you with the requirements to copy the selected items. If you require additional credits, those will be shown in red and the option to add credits will be displayed next.
Destination Project Folder
Finally, select the project folder where you would like to save the copied components and click next to kick off the copy.
Copied components will have the same name as the original with "Copy" appended to them. They can be renamed from within the Form Designer. The form selected to be copied will be opened in the Form Designer once the copy operation completes.