Using the New Form Wizard
The easiest way to create forms is with the New Form Wizard. In the wizard, you can choose a form template with fields or begin with a blank form and add fields. Either way, when you finish, your new form appears in the Form Designer. You can always go back and change a form you create with the wizard.
On the Logiforms desktop, click New Form Wizard.
After reading the introductory text on the first panel of the wizard, click Next.
In the Form Name field, enter a meaningful name.
The default Language is English, but you can choose another one from the dropdown list.
Click Next.
You can choose Standard, Imported HTML Form, Refer-a-friend, Imported HTML Form, or Hosted PDF. Most of the time you will choose Standard.
Click Next.
Click either Use a Template or Start with a blank Canvas.
Choice Next Steps Use a Template In the Template Browser, browse through the categories of forms for different industries and standard business practices. Click a folder to see the templates available in that category and click a form to see it in detail. When you find one that suits your business requirements, click Use Selected.
Click Next. Then choose the project folder for your form (or create a new folder) and click Finish.
The form displays in the Form Designer. Close the window to return to the Logiforms desktop.Start with a blank Canvas Click Next. Unless you know that you need a multi-page form, choose Single Page Form and click Next.
Choose the project folder for your form (or create a new folder) and click Next. A list of common fields displays.
Drag the fields you want to the right hand side and click Finish.
The form displays in the Form Designer. Close the window to return to the Logiforms desktop.