About Special Fields
When you design and create your form, you can choose different styles of user input like text fields, radio buttons, checkboxes, and dropdown lists. From that same Insert Element menu, you can also choose from more than two dozen Special Fields. They are designed to make it easy for you to build complex actions into your forms.
These fields are special because in addition to creating a field, they also insert property fields into the Field Properties panel that you use to customize and configure the field. Special validation fields might also appear, depending on the field inserted.
For example, you might insert an International Phone special field. Then in the Field General Setting properties panel, you will see additional fields where you can set defaults for countries used.
In another example of a special field, if you add a Credit Card special field, six standard fields are automatically added to your form as a group and you can customize the field to match your business requirements. For example, you can choose which credit cards you accept, and customize the screen text.
These are the special fields available for your forms: