A master theme applies to your entire form. A master theme is made up of a collection of settings for the SubThemes of Page, Panels, Fields, Tooltips, and Buttons.
Each SubTheme has settings which can be modified. Click the + to expand or collapse each section to see the properties and make changes. Click in the property field to enter a new value or choose from a dropdown list if one is available.
On This Page
Property |
Details |
Page (Body) Settings |
Change background color, background image, font color, font size, font weight, font family. |
Outer Container |
Change width, border color, border width, border style, border radius, border shadow, margin top, background color. |
Header |
Change hidden (from false to true), alignment, graphic (this is where you insert your logo), background color, heading font color, font size, font weight, font family, subhead font color, font size, font weight, font family. |
Inline Headings |
Change heading font color, fontr size, font weight, subheading font color, font size, font weight, margin bottom, font family. |
Footer |
Change panel footer (from false to true), alignment, font color, font size, font weight, font family. |
Link/Anchors |
Change link font color, hover font color, visited font color. |
Property |
Details |
Heading & Styles |
Change hidden (from false to true), color, font size, font weight, font family, panel style (fron default to a dropdown list of colours). |
Property |
Details |
Caption Font |
Change font color, font size, font weight, font family, line height. |
Field Fonts |
Change font color, font size, font weight, font family, padding top left, height, line height. |
Field Border |
Change border radius, border color, border focus color, border focus shadow, border width. |
Radio & Checkbox Labels |
Change font color, font size, font weight, font family, spacing. |
Field Background |
Change background color. |
Property |
Details |
Tooltip Icon |
Change icon graphic (click to select another one), margin left, margin top. |
Speech Bubble Settings |
Define the small arrow on the tooltip. Change useSpeechBubble (from true to false), tip position (from bottom left to seven other locations in dropdown list) |
Positioning Settings |
Define where the tip shows in relation to the tooltip icon. Change tip edge, align to target, offset x direction, offset y direction. |
Font Settings |
Define the font used in the tooltip. Change font color, size, height, weight, family. |
Border Settings |
Change width, color, radius. |
Content Area Settings |
Change backgroiund color, minimum width, maximum width, padding left, padding right, padding top, padding bottom. |
Interaction Settings |
Define interaction. Change show event (default is mouseover), show delay, hide delay, hide event. |
Property |
Details |
Button Style |
Change stack buttons (change from default false to true), submit icon (click to choose another), submit size, submit style, submit font, reset icon, reset size, reset style, reset font. |
Button Bar Settings |
Change border color, border width, border style, background color, button align, padding left, padding right, padding top, padding bottom. |