How Do I ... Solutions to Common Questions
Here we address some of the common challenges that users encounter with layouts.
Fields appear to have a slight indentation and don't line up
If the fields are inside of a group, you may need to remove the default Padding of the group element. Click on the group element and, in the Layout & Properties tab of the Element Properties Panel, adjust the padding and margins to 0. This should remove all of the default padding.
Fields display vertically in a multi-column layout
First, verify that the group has the correct alignment settings (set to Horizontal to align fields horizontally). Then, check that there is enough available space for the fields to be shown horizontally. If the form Width settings are not wide enough to accommodate the two columns of fields, then the second column will wrap to the next line. Try adjusting the form width by following these steps:
Open the Themes & Styles editor.
Under Sub Theme Type, click Page.
In the Properties grid, expand the Outer Container group.
Adjust the Width setting
Shortcut: The Page Theme's Form Width property is also mirrored in the Form Properties Layout & Alignment panel for convenience.
Also note, if the width setting of the containing group is less than the combined width of the caption and field width (assuming a horizontally aligned field), that could also cause wrapping.
Here is another suggestion: if you haven't done so, try changing the Alignment property of the fields to Vertical so that the label is shown above the field instead of on the side. This will decrease the length of the fields (because the caption is now shown above the field) and thereby allow more vertical space for multiple columns.
Many inconsistences with multi-column layouts
A common cause of inconsistencies in a multi-column layout is the use of a single group to contain multiple columns. You can create a single group and set its alignment to Horizontal, and this will display fields in a horizontal order. However, it can also lead to wrapping issues due to the way HTML floats are used. We highly recommend that you use the method that we outline in the Multi-Column Layouts topic.
Note: If you're having many problems with your layouts, you might also try rebuilding your form.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I set the placement of captions or labels to above the form elements?
You can change the caption or label placement above each form element by changing the alignment property to vertical. This can be done at the Form level or at the individual field level.
How do I get rid of the margins and padding around my form?
Through the page theme, you can adjust the Margins and Paddings of the form or the document body. To access the page theme settings:
Click the Themes & Styles menu button in the Form Designer Toolbar.
Click Page for the Sub Theme Type
Expand the Page (Body) Settings group.
Change the margin and padding settings.
Note: You may need to click the Show All Properties button in the bottom of the Theme & Style window to access all of the margin and padding settings.
How do I set the form width?
It's quite easy. Simply follow these steps:
Click the Themes & Styles menu button in the Form Designer Toolbar.
Click Page for the Sub Theme Type
Expand the Outer Container group.
Change the Width setting.