How to Auto Generate a Password
This article explains how to auto-generate a password for use with the Username & Password field. This is trickier than it sounds, since passwords are hashed when saved for security. The only way to generate a password and maintain a clear text reference to it (intended for temporary use and it is important that the password be changed after being issued) is to apply a hash to it on the client side. This article explains how to do that.
Adding Username & Password Fields and UnHashed Password Fields
- Start by adding the Username & Password field to your form from the Special Fields Library
- Now, insert a new Text Field and name it AutoGenPassUnHashed. This field will hold the autogenerated, unhashed password. This can be used in an invite email and should later be removed (A Rescheduled Trigger Action can remove this value after 1 minute for example). Later, this field can be set to hidden.
Adding an Action on the Submit Button to AutoGenerate the Password and Hash
Next, we will attach an action to the submit button to autogenerate the password and hash it with the script created in the first step and then write the value to the password field (and the confirm password field).
- Highlight the Submit Button on your form, and click Actions in the Property Panel
- Select New Custom JavaScript Action
- Name the new action "Auto Gen Password" and click next
- Enter the following script
// This function will receive the field and form objects. function(field,form){ var pass = Math.random().toString(36).slice(-8); form.getFieldByName('AutoGenPassUnHashed').setValue(pass) var shaObj = new jsSHA("SHA-512", 'TEXT'); shaObj.update(pass); // set the password field form.getFieldByName('password').setValue(shaObj.getHash('HEX')) // set the confirm password field form.getFieldByName('cpassword').setValue(shaObj.getHash('HEX')) }
Testing Tip
You may want to insert a Single Button element into your form and attach this action to it for testing. This way, the form does not need to be submitted while you are testing. Also, read on to understand why you will also need to hide the username and password fields.Working Around Form Validation
When you try to submit the form, even after adding all the code below, it will not work, and the username and password field will show a validation error. This is because before the action can run, the form is validated. And validation does not pass because the password field is empty! There are two ways to work around this issue.
Use a Form Action to hide the password fields (leaving the username field visible)
- Click on the Form Root Node, and then choose Actions in the Property Panel
- Add a new Hide/Show Action and select the password field to be hidden
Adding the Hashing JS code to your form
- Add a free text heading element to your form
- Click the Text Property to edit the text. In the editor, click source to switch to source code mode
- Paste the following script to enable HASHING functionality to your form
<script> /* A JavaScript implementation of the SHA family of hashes, as defined in FIPS PUB 180-4 and FIPS PUB 202, as well as the corresponding HMAC implementation as defined in FIPS PUB 198a Copyright Brian Turek 2008-2017 Distributed under the BSD License See for more information Several functions taken from Paul Johnston */ 'use strict'; (function(K) { function x(b, a, d) { var e = 0, g = [], k = 0, f, c, m, h, l, p, t, q, y = !1, u = [], r = [], v, A = !1; d = d || {}; f = d.encoding || "UTF8"; v = d.numRounds || 1; if (v !== parseInt(v, 10) || 1 > v) throw Error("numRounds must a integer >= 1"); if (0 === b.lastIndexOf("SHA-", 0)) if (p = function(a, d) { return B(a, d, b) }, t = function(a, d, g, e) { var c, k; if ("SHA-384" === b || "SHA-512" === b) c = (d + 129 >>> 10 << 5) + 31, k = 32; else throw Error("Unexpected error in SHA-2 implementation"); for (; a.length <= c;) a.push(0); a[d >>> 5] |= 128 << 24 - d % 32; d = d + g; a[c] = d & 4294967295; a[c - 1] = d / 4294967296 | 0; g = a.length; for (d = 0; d < g; d += k) e = B(a.slice(d, d + k), e, b); if ("SHA-384" === b) a = [e[0].a, e[0].b, e[1].a, e[1].b, e[2].a, e[2].b, e[3].a, e[3].b, e[4].a, e[4].b, e[5].a, e[5].b]; else if ("SHA-512" === b) a = [e[0].a, e[0].b, e[1].a, e[1].b, e[2].a, e[2].b, e[3].a, e[3].b, e[4].a, e[4].b, e[5].a, e[5].b, e[6].a, e[6].b, e[7].a, e[7].b]; else throw Error("Unexpected error in SHA-2 implementation"); return a }, q = function(a) { return a.slice() }, "SHA-384" === b) l = 1024, h = 384; else if ("SHA-512" === b) l = 1024, h = 512; else throw Error("Chosen SHA variant is not supported"); else throw Error("Chosen SHA variant is not supported"); m = C(a, f); c = z(b); this.setHMACKey = function(a, d, g) { var k; if (!0 === y) throw Error("HMAC key already set"); if (!0 === A) throw Error("Cannot set HMAC key after calling update"); f = (g || {}).encoding || "UTF8"; d = C(d, f)(a); a = d.binLen; d = d.value; k = l >>> 3; g = k / 4 - 1; if (k < a / 8) { for (d = t(d, a, 0, z(b)); d.length <= g;) d.push(0); d[g] &= 4294967040 } else if (k > a / 8) { for (; d.length <= g;) d.push(0); d[g] &= 4294967040 } for (a = 0; a <= g; a += 1) u[a] = d[a] ^ 909522486, r[a] = d[a] ^ 1549556828; c = p(u, c); e = l; y = !0 }; this.update = function(a) { var d, b, n, f = 0, h = l >>> 5; d = m(a, g, k); a = d.binLen; b = d.value; d = a >>> 5; for (n = 0; n < d; n += h) f + l <= a && (c = p(b.slice(n, n + h), c), f += l); e += f; g = b.slice(f >>> 5); k = a % l; A = !0 }; this.getHash = function(a, d) { var f, l, m, p; if (!0 === y) throw Error("Cannot call getHash after setting HMAC key"); m = D(d); switch (a) { case "HEX": f = function(a) { return E(a, h, m) }; break; case "B64": f = function(a) { return F(a, h, m) }; break; case "BYTES": f = function(a) { return G(a, h) }; break; case "ARRAYBUFFER": try { l = new ArrayBuffer(0) } catch (w) { throw Error("ARRAYBUFFER not supported by this environment"); } f = function(a) { return H(a, h) }; break; default: throw Error("format must be HEX, B64, BYTES, or ARRAYBUFFER"); } p = t(g.slice(), k, e, q(c)); for (l = 1; l < v; l += 1) p = t(p, h, 0, z(b)); return f(p) }; this.getHMAC = function(a, d) { var f, m, u, v; if (!1 === y) throw Error("Cannot call getHMAC without first setting HMAC key"); u = D(d); switch (a) { case "HEX": f = function(a) { return E(a, h, u) }; break; case "B64": f = function(a) { return F(a, h, u) }; break; case "BYTES": f = function(a) { return G(a, h) }; break; case "ARRAYBUFFER": try { f = new ArrayBuffer(0) } catch (w) { throw Error("ARRAYBUFFER not supported by this environment"); } f = function(a) { return H(a, h) }; break; default: throw Error("outputFormat must be HEX, B64, BYTES, or ARRAYBUFFER"); } m = t(g.slice(), k, e, q(c)); v = p(r, z(b)); v = t(m, h, l, v); return f(v) } } function b(b, a) { this.a = b; this.b = a } function E(b, a, d) { var e = ""; a /= 8; var g, k; for (g = 0; g < a; g += 1) k = b[g >>> 2] >>> 8 * (3 + g % 4 * -1), e += "0123456789abcdef".charAt(k >>> 4 & 15) + "0123456789abcdef".charAt(k & 15); return d.outputUpper ? e.toUpperCase() : e } function F(b, a, d) { var e = "", g = a / 8, k, f, c; for (k = 0; k < g; k += 3) for (f = k + 1 < g ? b[k + 1 >>> 2] : 0, c = k + 2 < g ? b[k + 2 >>> 2] : 0, c = (b[k >>> 2] >>> 8 * (3 + k % 4 * -1) & 255) << 16 | (f >>> 8 * (3 + (k + 1) % 4 * -1) & 255) << 8 | c >>> 8 * (3 + (k + 2) % 4 * -1) & 255, f = 0; 4 > f; f += 1) 8 * k + 6 * f <= a ? e += "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".charAt(c >>> 6 * (3 - f) & 63) : e += d.b64Pad; return e } function G(b, a) { var d = "", e = a / 8, g, c; for (g = 0; g < e; g += 1) c = b[g >>> 2] >>> 8 * (3 + g % 4 * -1) & 255, d += String.fromCharCode(c); return d } function H(b, a) { var d = a / 8, e, g = new ArrayBuffer(d), c; c = new Uint8Array(g); for (e = 0; e < d; e += 1) c[e] = b[e >>> 2] >>> 8 * (3 + e % 4 * -1) & 255; return g } function D(b) { var a = { outputUpper: !1, b64Pad: "=", shakeLen: -1 }; b = b || {}; a.outputUpper = b.outputUpper || !1; !0 === b.hasOwnProperty("b64Pad") && (a.b64Pad = b.b64Pad); if ("boolean" !== typeof a.outputUpper) throw Error("Invalid outputUpper formatting option"); if ("string" !== typeof a.b64Pad) throw Error("Invalid b64Pad formatting option"); return a } function C(b, a) { var d; switch (a) { case "UTF8": case "UTF16BE": case "UTF16LE": break; default: throw Error("encoding must be UTF8, UTF16BE, or UTF16LE"); } switch (b) { case "HEX": d = function(a, b, d) { var f = a.length, c, n, h, l, p; if (0 !== f % 2) throw Error("String of HEX type must be in byte increments"); b = b || [0]; d = d || 0; p = d >>> 3; for (c = 0; c < f; c += 2) { n = parseInt(a.substr(c, 2), 16); if (isNaN(n)) throw Error("String of HEX type contains invalid characters"); l = (c >>> 1) + p; for (h = l >>> 2; b.length <= h;) b.push(0); b[h] |= n << 8 * (3 + l % 4 * -1) } return { value: b, binLen: 4 * f + d } }; break; case "TEXT": d = function(b, d, c) { var f, n, m = 0, h, l, p, t, q, r; d = d || [0]; c = c || 0; p = c >>> 3; if ("UTF8" === a) for (r = 3, h = 0; h < b.length; h += 1) for (f = b.charCodeAt(h), n = [], 128 > f ? n.push(f) : 2048 > f ? (n.push(192 | f >>> 6), n.push(128 | f & 63)) : 55296 > f || 57344 <= f ? n.push(224 | f >>> 12, 128 | f >>> 6 & 63, 128 | f & 63) : (h += 1, f = 65536 + ((f & 1023) << 10 | b.charCodeAt(h) & 1023), n.push(240 | f >>> 18, 128 | f >>> 12 & 63, 128 | f >>> 6 & 63, 128 | f & 63)), l = 0; l < n.length; l += 1) { q = m + p; for (t = q >>> 2; d.length <= t;) d.push(0); d[t] |= n[l] << 8 * (r + q % 4 * -1); m += 1 } else if ("UTF16BE" === a || "UTF16LE" === a) for (r = 2, n = "UTF16LE" === a && !0 || "UTF16LE" !== a && !1, h = 0; h < b.length; h += 1) { f = b.charCodeAt(h); !0 === n && (l = f & 255, f = l << 8 | f >>> 8); q = m + p; for (t = q >>> 2; d.length <= t;) d.push(0); d[t] |= f << 8 * (r + q % 4 * -1); m += 2 } return { value: d, binLen: 8 * m + c } }; break; case "B64": d = function(a, b, d) { var c = 0, n, m, h, l, p, t, q; if (-1 ===^[a-zA-Z0-9=+\/]+$/)) throw Error("Invalid character in base-64 string"); m = a.indexOf("="); a = a.replace(/\=/g, ""); if (-1 !== m && m < a.length) throw Error("Invalid '=' found in base-64 string"); b = b || [0]; d = d || 0; t = d >>> 3; for (m = 0; m < a.length; m += 4) { p = a.substr(m, 4); for (h = l = 0; h < p.length; h += 1) n = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".indexOf(p[h]), l |= n << 18 - 6 * h; for (h = 0; h < p.length - 1; h += 1) { q = c + t; for (n = q >>> 2; b.length <= n;) b.push(0); b[n] |= (l >>> 16 - 8 * h & 255) << 8 * (3 + q % 4 * -1); c += 1 } } return { value: b, binLen: 8 * c + d } }; break; case "BYTES": d = function(a, b, d) { var c, n, m, h, l; b = b || [0]; d = d || 0; m = d >>> 3; for (n = 0; n < a.length; n += 1) c = a.charCodeAt(n), l = n + m, h = l >>> 2, b.length <= h && b.push(0), b[h] |= c << 8 * (3 + l % 4 * -1); return { value: b, binLen: 8 * a.length + d } }; break; case "ARRAYBUFFER": try { d = new ArrayBuffer(0) } catch (e) { throw Error("ARRAYBUFFER not supported by this environment"); } d = function(a, b, d) { var c, n, m, h, l; b = b || [0]; d = d || 0; n = d >>> 3; l = new Uint8Array(a); for (c = 0; c < a.byteLength; c += 1) h = c + n, m = h >>> 2, b.length <= m && b.push(0), b[m] |= l[c] << 8 * (3 + h % 4 * -1); return { value: b, binLen: 8 * a.byteLength + d } }; break; default: throw Error("format must be HEX, TEXT, B64, BYTES, or ARRAYBUFFER"); } return d } function r(c, a) { var d = null, d = new b(c.a, c.b); return d = 32 >= a ? new b(d.a >>> a | d.b << 32 - a & 4294967295, d.b >>> a | d.a << 32 - a & 4294967295) : new b(d.b >>> a - 32 | d.a << 64 - a & 4294967295, d.a >>> a - 32 | d.b << 64 - a & 4294967295) } function I(c, a) { var d = null; return d = 32 >= a ? new b(c.a >>> a, c.b >>> a | c.a << 32 - a & 4294967295) : new b(0, c.a >>> a - 32) } function L(c, a, d) { return new b(c.a & a.a ^ ~c.a & d.a, c.b & a.b ^ ~c.b & d.b) } function M(c, a, d) { return new b(c.a & a.a ^ c.a & d.a ^ a.a & d.a, c.b & a.b ^ c.b & d.b ^ a.b & d.b) } function N(c) { var a = r(c, 28), d = r(c, 34); c = r(c, 39); return new b(a.a ^ d.a ^ c.a, a.b ^ d.b ^ c.b) } function O(c) { var a = r(c, 14), d = r(c, 18); c = r(c, 41); return new b(a.a ^ d.a ^ c.a, a.b ^ d.b ^ c.b) } function P(c) { var a = r(c, 1), d = r(c, 8); c = I(c, 7); return new b(a.a ^ d.a ^ c.a, a.b ^ d.b ^ c.b) } function Q(c) { var a = r(c, 19), d = r(c, 61); c = I(c, 6); return new b(a.a ^ d.a ^ c.a, a.b ^ d.b ^ c.b) } function R(c, a) { var d, e, g; d = (c.b & 65535) + (a.b & 65535); e = (c.b >>> 16) + (a.b >>> 16) + (d >>> 16); g = (e & 65535) << 16 | d & 65535; d = (c.a & 65535) + (a.a & 65535) + (e >>> 16); e = (c.a >>> 16) + (a.a >>> 16) + (d >>> 16); return new b((e & 65535) << 16 | d & 65535, g) } function S(c, a, d, e) { var g, k, f; g = (c.b & 65535) + (a.b & 65535) + (d.b & 65535) + (e.b & 65535); k = (c.b >>> 16) + (a.b >>> 16) + (d.b >>> 16) + (e.b >>> 16) + (g >>> 16); f = (k & 65535) << 16 | g & 65535; g = (c.a & 65535) + (a.a & 65535) + (d.a & 65535) + (e.a & 65535) + (k >>> 16); k = (c.a >>> 16) + (a.a >>> 16) + (d.a >>> 16) + (e.a >>> 16) + (g >>> 16); return new b((k & 65535) << 16 | g & 65535, f) } function T(c, a, d, e, g) { var k, f, r; k = (c.b & 65535) + (a.b & 65535) + (d.b & 65535) + (e.b & 65535) + (g.b & 65535); f = (c.b >>> 16) + (a.b >>> 16) + (d.b >>> 16) + (e.b >>> 16) + (g.b >>> 16) + (k >>> 16); r = (f & 65535) << 16 | k & 65535; k = (c.a & 65535) + (a.a & 65535) + (d.a & 65535) + (e.a & 65535) + (g.a & 65535) + (f >>> 16); f = (c.a >>> 16) + (a.a >>> 16) + (d.a >>> 16) + (e.a >>> 16) + (g.a >>> 16) + (k >>> 16); return new b((f & 65535) << 16 | k & 65535, r) } function z(c) { var a = [], d; if (0 === c.lastIndexOf("SHA-", 0)) switch (a = [3238371032, 914150663, 812702999, 4144912697, 4290775857, 1750603025, 1694076839, 3204075428 ], d = [1779033703, 3144134277, 1013904242, 2773480762, 1359893119, 2600822924, 528734635, 1541459225], c) { case "SHA-224": break; case "SHA-256": a = d; break; case "SHA-384": a = [new b(3418070365, a[0]), new b(1654270250, a[1]), new b(2438529370, a[2]), new b(355462360, a[3]), new b(1731405415, a[4]), new b(41048885895, a[5]), new b(3675008525, a[6]), new b(1203062813, a[7])]; break; case "SHA-512": a = [new b(d[0], 4089235720), new b(d[1], 2227873595), new b(d[2], 4271175723), new b(d[3], 1595750129), new b(d[4], 2917565137), new b(d[5], 725511199), new b(d[6], 4215389547), new b(d[7], 327033209) ]; break; default: throw Error("Unknown SHA variant"); } else throw Error("No SHA variants supported"); return a } function B(c, a, d) { var e, g, k, f, r, m, h, l, p, t, q, y, u, x, v, A, z, B, C, D, E, F, w = [], G; if ("SHA-384" === d || "SHA-512" === d) t = 80, y = 2, F = b, u = R, x = S, v = T, A = P, z = Q, B = N, C = O, E = M, D = L, G = J; else throw Error("Unexpected error in SHA-2 implementation"); d = a[0]; e = a[1]; g = a[2]; k = a[3]; f = a[4]; r = a[5]; m = a[6]; h = a[7]; for (q = 0; q < t; q += 1) 16 > q ? (p = q * y, l = c.length <= p ? 0 : c[p], p = c.length <= p + 1 ? 0 : c[p + 1], w[q] = new F(l, p)) : w[q] = x(z(w[q - 2]), w[q - 7], A(w[q - 15]), w[q - 16]), l = v(h, C(f), D(f, r, m), G[q], w[q]), p = u(B(d), E(d, e, g)), h = m, m = r, r = f, f = u(k, l), k = g, g = e, e = d, d = u(l, p); a[0] = u(d, a[0]); a[1] = u(e, a[1]); a[2] = u(g, a[2]); a[3] = u(k, a[3]); a[4] = u(f, a[4]); a[5] = u(r, a[5]); a[6] = u(m, a[6]); a[7] = u(h, a[7]); return a } var c, J; c = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298 ]; J = [new b(c[0], 3609767458), new b(c[1], 602891725), new b(c[2], 3964484399), new b(c[3], 2173295548), new b(c[4], 4081628472), new b(c[5], 3053834265), new b(c[6], 2937671579), new b(c[7], 3664609560), new b(c[8], 2734883394), new b(c[9], 1164996542), new b(c[10], 1323610764), new b(c[11], 3590304994), new b(c[12], 4068182383), new b(c[13], 991336113), new b(c[14], 633803317), new b(c[15], 3479774868), new b(c[16], 2666613458), new b(c[17], 944711139), new b(c[18], 2341262773), new b(c[19], 2007800933), new b(c[20], 1495990901), new b(c[21], 1856431235), new b(c[22], 3175218132), new b(c[23], 2198950837), new b(c[24], 3999719339), new b(c[25], 766784016), new b(c[26], 2566594879), new b(c[27], 3203337956), new b(c[28], 1034457026), new b(c[29], 2466948901), new b(c[30], 3758326383), new b(c[31], 168717936), new b(c[32], 1188179964), new b(c[33], 1546045734), new b(c[34], 1522805485), new b(c[35], 2643833823), new b(c[36], 2343527390), new b(c[37], 1014477480), new b(c[38], 1206759142), new b(c[39], 344077627), new b(c[40], 1290863460), new b(c[41], 3158454273), new b(c[42], 3505952657), new b(c[43], 106217008), new b(c[44], 3606008344), new b(c[45], 1432725776), new b(c[46], 1467031594), new b(c[47], 851169720), new b(c[48], 3100823752), new b(c[49], 1363258195), new b(c[50], 3750685593), new b(c[51], 3785050280), new b(c[52], 3318307427), new b(c[53], 3812723403), new b(c[54], 2003034995), new b(c[55], 3602036899), new b(c[56], 1575990012), new b(c[57], 1125592928), new b(c[58], 2716904306), new b(c[59], 442776044), new b(c[60], 593698344), new b(c[61], 3733110249), new b(c[62], 2999351573), new b(c[63], 3815920427), new b(3391569614, 3928383900), new b(3515267271, 566280711), new b(3940187606, 3454069534), new b(4118630271, 4000239992), new b(116418474, 1914138554), new b(174292421, 2731055270), new b(289380356, 3203993006), new b(460393269, 320620315), new b(685471733, 587496836), new b(852142971, 1086792851), new b(1017036298, 365543100), new b(1126000580, 2618297676), new b(1288033470, 3409855158), new b(1501505948, 4234509866), new b(1607167915, 987167468), new b(1816402316, 1246189591) ]; "function" === typeof define && define.amd ? define(function() { return x }) : "undefined" !== typeof exports ? ("undefined" !== typeof module && module.exports && (module.exports = x), exports = x) : K.jsSHA = x })(this); </script>
- Click Save and save the changes to your form.