How to show a greeting based on the time of day
This little JS snippet, when used on your form, will record a message based on the current time of day. The message, recorded to a hidden field on the form can be used on the form to show a friendly greeting "Good Afternoon!" or used on an email.
Just add a field to your form named 'greeting' and then use a Custom JavaScript Form Action with the following code:
// This function will receive the field and form objects. function(field,form){ var d = new Date(); var time = d.getHours(); var greeting = undefined; if (time < 12) { greeting = "Good Morning!" } if (time === 12) { greeting = "Good Noon!" } if(time > 12){ greeting = "Good Afternoon!" } if (time > 18) { greeting = "Good Evening!" } form.getFieldByName("greeting").setValue(greeting) }
The code will populate the field [greeting] with a greeting message based on their computer's time.
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Clinton Tu Cool!
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