Conditional Content
The Conditional Content feature allows you to create inline conditional content that is only displayed when a rule is matched. You can use this, for example, to display additional content in an AutoResponder Thank You Page content which dynamically corresponds to choices or entries the user made on the form. Conditional content is available for use within the following:
- AutoResponder Emails & Thank You Pages
- Notification Emails
- Dynamic PDFs
- Print Templates
- Email Templates
Creating Conditional Content Segments
Conditional Content is created and managed from within the Rich Text Editor, by clicking the Conditional Content icon in the toolbar as shown below:
You can reuse any conditional content segment that you create, and that segment will correspond with the Logiforms feature in which you reuse it. You can create, for example, a conditional content segment while using the AutoResponder message editor, and access that same conditional content segment from with the Notification Profile Editor or on a Dynamic PDF template for that same form.
To create a conditional content item, follow these simple steps:
In the Rich Text Editor, click the Conditional Content button in the toolbar.
In the window that appears, click the Create New menu item.
In the Conditional Output Segment window, enter a Name for the segment.
Click the Edit Rule button to configure the rule settings that will control the display of the content.
Pro Tip
If you've enabled Lookup Data for the current document and configured one or more alternate Data Sources, you can use elements from these Data Sources when configuring a rule.
Finally, click Edit Dynamic Content to open the Rich Text Editor. Enter the content to display when the rule matches.
New!You can also configure Alternate Output to output a value when the match is not made. Click the Edit Alternate Output link to configure this content.
Click Save to close the editor and click Save once more to commit your changes and return to the Conditional Content listing.
Repeat steps 2-7 above to create another conditional content segment.
Click Insert Selected (or double click) to insert a placeholder into the Text Editor at the position where the conditional content should be displayed.