Standard Notification Profile
Use a standard notification profile when you want to send a form submission alert message to a small group of recipients. For example, the recipients of these notifications might have an administrative or processing role and need to be automatically notified when a form is submitted.
Notification profiles are different from AutoResponders. An AutoResponder is used to set up an acknowledgement when a user submits a form. By contrast, a Notification profile is not sent to the user, but rather to other recipients who need alerts that the form has been submitted.
Depending on your business requirements, you might consider other notification profile types, including Dynamic Approval Mode, User Approval Mode, or Notification Lookups. You can create multiple notification profiles, and then configure one or more rules to determine which notification will run in a given situation. If you need to send multiple, different email notifications, consider using triggers.
On This Page
Create a Profile
Select Post Processing > Notification Email Alerts & Approval Workflow from the Form Designer Toolbar; or, mouse over the form in the Dashboard, then select Form Design Tools > Notification Profiles.
The Notification management window displays.
If this is the first Notification profile for your form, click the Add Notification Profile button to launch the Notification Profile Wizard.
NOTE: If one or more profiles were previously defined for your form, click the Add Notification Profile menu item to launch the Wizard.
When the Wizard displays, click the Next button to begin.
On the Select the type of Notification to Create panel, choose Standard Email Notification, then click the Next button.
The Profile Settings panel displays.
Profile Settings
Follow these steps to configure the profile settings:
On the Profile Settings panel, enter a Notification Profile Name for the profile.
Use the Mode dropdown to specify when this profile will be used.
Property Details Standard Profile runs in Insert mode. Respondent Update Mode Profile runs when a user edits a record via Respondent Update Mode, or (if the "save and finish later" option is enabled) if the user pauses and resumes the submission. Both (use profile for inserts and updates) Profile runs in both Insert and Update mode. -
The Default Profile checkbox displays if you select Standard or Both from the Mode drop down. If you want this profile to be the default profile for your form, select the Default Profile check box.
Advanced If you wish to include Lookup Data in your notification from one or more alternate forms, select the Include Alternate Lookup Data checkbox.
Click the Next button to continue.
If you did not select the Include Alternate Lookup Data checkbox, proceed to step 6.
If you selected the Include Alternate Lookup Data checkbox, the Lookup DataSource panel displays. See Using Lookup Data for details on configuring and managing Lookup Data sources. Lookup Data is an Avanced topic (typically used with the Subform element or when you've linked multiple forms together and need to pul data from multiple sources).
Click the Next button to continue.
The Email Settings panel displays.
Email Settings
NOTE: If you want to include content from the form in the Recipients, From Address, From Name, or Subject line, click the Wildcard button next to the appropriate field and select the element you want to include.
Enter up to three email addresses (separated by commas) in the Recipients text box.
These are the people who will receive the notification.
You must enter at least one email address.
If there are PDF files assocaited with the form and you wish to include one or more files with the notification, select the check box for each file you wish to include from the PDF Attachment menu.
The PDF Attachment menu lists all PDF documents associated with the form.
NOTE: You can only attach PDF-type documents to outgoing emails, and these documents must be created using the Logiforms PDF Tools.
Enter the From Address, From Name, and Email Subject that will appear in the header of the email message.
Click the Launch Email Editor button to launch the Rich Text Editor and create the message that will appear in the body of your email.
Click Save to close the Rich Text Editor and return to the Email Settings panel.
Click the Finish button to complete the profile.
The profile name displays in the list of Profiles on the Notification window.