Integrated Registration
After setting up security, an integrated Registration Page is created that allows new users to register for access. An option to register is shown on the login page and links to the member database form to allow a new user to register. You can enable and disable the link on the login page by:
- Clicking on Security > Login Page in the Workflow Outline
- Set the Include New User link to true or false to hide or show the link to register on the login page.
New User Registration Page Settings
The New User registration page includes the Member Database form within the Workflow Profile layout. You can edit the page settings by clicking on the New User Registration Page in the Workflow Outline. This page always uses the Primary Form View of your Form.
Linking Back to the Login Page Via an AutoResponder Thank you Page
You'll want to set up an AutoResponder Thank You Page that contains a link back to the login page. This can be done by following these steps:
- Get the login page URL, by clicking on the Login Page and Copying the value from the Direct URL Property.
- Create a new AutoResponder and include a link on the thank you page to the URL collected in step 1
- Within the AutoResponder Profile, enable the 'Break out of Frames' setting to ensure the link removes the frame the form is displayed within.
If your form is used in other places and you don't always want to show the link to Login on the thank you page, you can create an AutoResponder Rule based on the Form Display/Access Mode. This is explained in Integrating Forms with Workflows.