Rules - Matching Options
The matching options menu is found in the upper left of the rules window. When you have a rule consisting of more than one filter, you can set the matching option that you want to apply for all filters in the rule. There are three matching options: All, Any, or Custom. We explain each of the options below.
Property | Description |
All | All filters must have their conditions met for the rule to trigger |
Any | If the condition for any one of the filters is met, the rule will trigger |
Custom (advanced) | For precise control, you can enter a Boolean expression using AND, OR, and NOT operators. Note: The custom matching condition is not available in some Logiforms features, such as AutoResponders
Here are some examples of custom expressions: English expression: Show me all respondents who match [Filter1], and who do not match [Filter2] or [Filter3]. Logic (Boolean equivalent): [Filter1] AND NOT ([Filter2] OR [Filter3]) English expression: Show me all respondents who match [Filter1] and [Filter2], or who match [Filter1] and [Filter3]. Logic (Boolean equivalent): ([Filter1] AND [Filter2]) OR ([Filter1] AND [Filter3])
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