Form Creator Sub User Permissions
When configuring permissions for a Form Creator Sub User account, you can grant access to the entire account, or restrict access to specific project folders and determine the permissions granted for each form within the project folder.
Form & Project folder permissions are applied via the Sub User Wizard, on the Project & Form Permissions Screen. These settings determine which folders and forms a user will have access to. To configure which modules/tools the user will be able to access, see Account Permissions.
Granting All Access
On the Project & Form Permissions screen, you have the option to 'Grant Full Access'. Check this checkbox to give the user full access to all of the forms within your account. This grants full unrestricted access to all forms and project folders.
To define specific form and project folder permissions, ensure the 'Grant Full Access' checkbox is not checked and click the 'Launch Permission Editor' Button.
Project Folder Access
Clicking the 'Launch Permission Editor' will open the Permission Editor window. On the left side all of your project folders and forms are displayed. Click on a node to select it and check the checkbox next to it to grant access and define permissions.
At the project level there is only one permission to configure. This is the Automatic Full Access to new Forms created in this Project permission. When you assign this permission to a user the user will automatically get full access to any new forms created within the selected project folder. This is useful when you are structuring your sub user accounts to work within a single folder and you want them to always have full access to any forms within that project folder.
If a sub user has Account Permissions that grant them access to create new forms, t hey will automatically get full access permissions to any new forms they create.
Form & Data Permissions
Click on a form to display and configure the permissions for that form. The available permission settings are outlined below. Note that your Account Permissions override these settings. For example, if you have denied access to the Data Base Browser Module, then the Data Access Permissions below are irrelevant and ignored.
Note: When you grant permissions to a form, the parent project folder is automatically checked. The user must have access to the project folder in order to access a child form. Note that by default, the user does not get Full Access to the project folder
Data Access Permissions
View submission data - Checking this box and no other boxes will permit the sub user to view the data but not modify it.
Edit submission data -Check this box to permit the user to modify the data in existing records.
Delete submission data - Check this box to permit the user to delete the data in existing records, and to delete entire records.
Insert submission data - Check this box to permit the user to insert and edit new records.
Export submission data - Check this box to permit the user to export data outside of Logiforms.
Restrict Data Access (Data Views)
If you allow the sub user to View submission data (above), you can also choose which Data Views will be available for a sub user:
Check the Restrict Data Access checkbox to reveal the Configure Data Access button.
Click that button to display a window containing a drop-down listing of all available data views.
Hold down the CTRL and click the views you want to be available for this sub user.
The sub user will be able to select from these data views in the Database Browser. Learn more Introduction to DataViews.
To restrict access to a specific Data View and not allow access to the entire data set, select the DataView you wish to use to restrict access in the Primary View drop down.
Form Permissions
The form permissions apply to editing forms, deleting forms and other form related tasks .
Delete Form - uncheck the box if you don't want the user to Deleting Forms.
Edit Form - uncheck the box if you don't want the user to edit the form
Move form to another project folder - uncheck the box if you don't want the user to have the ability to move the form out of the current project folder
Rename form - uncheck the box if you don't want the user to have the ability to rename the form