My Populated PDF is Showing up Without any Fields Filled
If you've set up the mappings correctly, and your populated PDF appears ok when viewed in Adobe Acrobat on your desktop, but doesn't appear populated when viewed in your web browser, then there are a couple of things to check:
Make sure you have the Flatten option enabled on the first screen of the PDF Wizard
Chrome, Firefox, Gmail and others have a built-in PDF viewer that will be used to view PDF's unless the Acrobat Plugin is specifically configured to be used. This default plugin does not play nice with PDF forms and may show your form blank. You can resolve this by:
- Turn on the flatten option in the Logifoms PDF Wizard. This will flatten and remove interactive form fields from your final PDF and make it more compatible with these default PDF viewer plugins.
Setup the Adobe Acrobat Plugin as your Default
Download, install and set the Acrobat Plugin as the default in your browser.
Still not working?
If you've followed these steps and your form is still not showing populated (after regenerating a new PDF via a form submission), you may be using an Adobe LifeCycle form. LifeCycle forms are created in Adobe Designer (as opposed to Adobe Acrobat DC or Pro) and cannot be flattened. We recommend in this case, you convert the LiveCycle form to an Acroform by following the steps explained here't have time to convert the form?
Ask our managed services team for a quote and we can do it for you!
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