Exporting Data
In the Database Browser, you can export data to Excel or comma-separated value (CSV) files. You can filter the data, screen for only the most recent data, and arrange the export column order. Also, you can save the profile for future use.
Follow these steps to export data:
Click the Export Data menu item in the top toolbar of the Database Browser.
In the first step of the wizard, click the Next button.
If you have previously saved any export profiles, then you might click Use Saved Export Profile. Otherwise, click Configure Export Settings and then click Next.
In the next step of the wizard, select a DataView from the drop down list. Only the data that is visible in this data view will be exported.
Click Next to move to the Export Settings. Enter an Export Filename and choose an Export Format from the drop-down list (Excel or CSV format). CSV is the format of comma-separated value text files.
To filter the data values further, click the Edit Filter button and add one or more filters.
If you want to apply a calendar constraint, such as the last 14 days of data, then choose an Export Range from the drop-down listing. This is a convenient means to poll your data for recent activity without using the filter.
Click Next to go onto the remaining export settings. Choose a Column Order setting from the drop-down, and also choose how many System Fields you want to include in the export file.
Click Next to move to the ordering step, and then drag and drop the columns into an order that you prefer.
Click Next again, and then after a few moments the wizard will prompt you to click the Download Data Now button. Before doing so, you might want to save this profile for future use by clicking the Save Profile button, entering a Profile Name, and then clicking Save.