Validation Methods for Text Elements
You can always make a field required in Logiforms. But if you want to enforce more validation, you can use one of the standard validation methods available. Text Field and Long Text Area elements use the validation methods listed below. Validations for selection elements such as checkboxes, radio buttons, and drop-down menus are covered in Methods for Selection Elements.
A validation error will occur if the user entry does not conform to the method specification. Consider editing the Custom Message property on the Field Validation Setting to help the user understand why their entry is invalid.
These validation methods are available from the drop-down list in the Validation property on the Field Validation Setting property panel. Addtional properties may appear when you choose some of the methods. Please see the description of each property for details.
Property | Description |
Alpha | The user entry must contain only an alphabetic character string, letters A-Z and a-z only. |
Zip Code | The user entry must be either a 5 or 9-digit number. |
Postal Code | The user entry must be in the form of a Canadian postal code. When you choose this method, you may optionally set the additional properties Validation Type and Validation Mask. See the Validation Types & Masks topic. |
Numeric | The user entry must contain only a contiguous string of numbers from 0-9. |
AlphaNumeric | The user entry must contain a string consisting only of numbers (0-9), and the letters A-Z and a-z. |
DateFormat | The user entry must be a valid date, either in US or European format. When you choose this method, you may optionally set the additional properties Validation Type and Validation Mask. See the Validation Types & Masks topic. |
Custom Format | When you choose this method, you must specify a custom mask using X's to define valid data types. When you choose this method, you may optionally set the additional properties Validation Type and Validation Mask. See the Validation Types & Masks topic. |
Phone Number | The user entry must contain exactly the number of characters shown in the Validation Length property. Set the Validation Length property to the number of characters which the user must enter to avoid generating a validation error. |
Email Address | The user entry must have the characteristics of a well-formed email address. It must contain an "@" character, a period, and characters before the "@" character, after the "@" character, and after the period. |
Range | The user entry must be a numeric entry that falls between Validation Max and Validation Min. |
Length | The number of characters in the user entry must be equal to or less than the number specified in the Validation Length property. You may also choose a Validation Type to restrict the validation to other entry types (see Validation Types & Masks) |
Length Greater Than | The number of characters in the user entry must exceed the value specified in the Validation Length property. |
Length Less Than | The number of characters in the user entry must be less than the value specified in the Validation Length property. |
Credit Card Block | The user entry must be a credit card number that passes a MOD10 check and must also include the expiry date, card type, and cardholder name. |
Is Not Empty | This method functions like the Required property. If there is no user entry, the character string length will be zero and will cause a validation error. The advantage to using Is Not Empty as opposed to using the required setting is that you can define a custom validation message when using this property to display rather than the default "This field is Required" message. |
Confirm Duplicate Entry | The user entry in this field must be identical to the field you specify in the Validation Field property. |
Integer | The user entry must be an integer. |
SSN | The user entry in this field must be equivalent to a Social Security Number. After stripping out all non-numeric characters, it must reduce to nine digits. |
Zip or Postal | The user entry must be either a US or Canadian postal code. |
Custom RegEx |
The Custom RegEx method is for advanced users having experience writing regular expressions. Users who are unfamiliar with regular expressions can also find copy & paste examples that meet their needs. See more below. Regular expression must be written to begin with a / character and end with a / character. For example "/[0-9A-Fa-f]/".See a huge selection of regex validation strings here Look here for an overview on writing regular expressions: While building your own regular expressions you may find it convenient to use this on-line testing tool to test that the regular expression is validating correctly: |
Greater Than | The user entry must be numeric and exceed the value you specify in the Validation Length property. |
Less Than | The user entry must be numeric and be less than the value you specify in the Validation Length property. |
Is Different | The user entry in this field must differ from the field you specify in the Validation Field property. |
Currency | The user entry must be in numerical currency format, and yet not contain any currency symbols (such as $). |
ABN | Validates Australian Business Numbers. |
ACN | Validates Australian Company Numbers. |
Remote (Advanced) | The user entry is validated against a lookup query. |
Multiple (Advanced) | You can combine any of these validation methods onto one field. |