Using Statistical Functions
You can choose the following statistical functions in a binding:
- Min
- Max
- Average
- Mode
- Median
- Variance
- Standard Deviation
These functions accept a list of fields and perform the function on the provided list of field values. The following rules apply when using these functions:
- There is no support for nested functions. This means that these functions may not contain any other nested functions inside the parenthesis.
- When a field has a blank/null value it is not considered in the equation
- When a multi-select element (Checkbox or Drop Down with multi-select enabled) is used, each selection is considered a separate value. For example if you had a checkbox group with 5 fields and the user selects 3 of the options. The average would be calculated based on those 3 values.
- Standard Deviation and Variance are calculated using the total population
- Do not use a Field Mask on a field that uses a binding to calculate a total using these methods. Instead, use the numberFormat() and/or currentFormat() wildcard modifier to format the results. Masks are intended to 'mask' data entry and can have unexpected results when used to format bound values.
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